If you found us because you have lost your baby, we are very sorry for your loss. Sofia’s Wish understands how devastating it is when a baby dies and how long the grieving process takes.
When parents find out that their baby has died, all of the dreams they had and time they would have had with their baby are taken away from them, and for many parents the only chance they get to be with their baby and to create memories with them is in hospital. When parents leave hospital empty-handed they feel alone; having something that belonged to the baby helps parents through the grieving process.
Sofia’s Wish knows how difficult it is for parents to create memories with their baby in such a short amount of time and is therefore working with health professionals to create better conditions, allowing for the creation of memories before parents have to say their final goodbye.
How to help
If you know how to sew, crochet or knit, you can help by donating homemade clothes and blankets to the hospital. This will enable parents of babies that died during pregnancy or shortly after birth to dress them.
You can also help parents create memories of their babies by donating money towards our memory boxes.
At the moment all donations will go to hospitals in Portugal, with the help of health professionals, to help improve the support offered to parents there. To learn more go to Projects.
Share your story with us
We invite everyone (parents, family and friends) affected by miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal loss to share their stories with Sofia's Wish, and you can do this anonymously if you would like. We will post these weekly on our Stories page. You can do this by sending us a message; doing so will help others in the same situation to feel less alone.
Make your donation in memory of a baby
When you make your donation, you can do it in memory of a baby that died - just send us a message and we will add your message to your donation.

Clothes Project
Most parents who lose their babies during pregnancy or shortly after birth do not have clothes in which to dress them. Babies that die during pregnancy can be very small and any clothes that parents may have usually do not fit them. This project aims to collate suitable clothes and blankets to give to hospitals.

Memory Box Project
Sofia's Wish memory boxes help parents create memories of their babies in the short time they are with them in the hospital. We are accepting donations in order to send 10 of these boxes to hospitals in Portugal.

Never Forgotten - Memory Wall
The babies who have passed may have been with us for a very short time but they will never be forgotten. Send us a message and we will add your baby's name to our memory wall.